Sample Multipage Blogger, Contoh Postingan Multiple Pages
Cara Membagi Postingan Blog Menjadi Beberapa Halaman di Blogger. Cara membagi Postingan Blog menjadi beberapa halaman atau ada juga yang menyebutnya Post Split. Yaitu satu halaman posting dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa halaman. Kodenya bisa dicopas di CodePen.

See the Pen Untitled by Jaey Zone (@jaey) on CodePen.

Berikut Ini contohnya: Content page 1: Lorem ipsum, in graphical and textual context, refers to filler text that is placed in a document or visual presentation. Lorem ipsum is derived from the Latin "dolorem ipsum" roughly translated as "pain itself." Content page 2: Lorem ipsum, in graphical and textual context, refers to filler text that is placed in a document or visual presentation. Lorem ipsum is derived from the Latin "dolorem ipsum" roughly translated as "pain itself." Paragraf 3. Lorem ipsum, in graphical and textual context, refers to filler text that is placed in a document or visual presentation. Lorem ipsum is derived from the Latin "dolorem ipsum" roughly translated as "pain itself." Content page 3: Lorem ipsum, in graphical and textual context, refers to filler text that is placed in a document or visual presentation. Lorem ipsum is derived from the Latin "dolorem ipsum" roughly translated as "pain itself." Paragraf 3. Lorem ipsum, in graphical and textual context, refers to filler text that is placed in a document or visual presentation. Lorem ipsum is derived from the Latin "dolorem ipsum" roughly translated as "pain itself."